The day 23 March has great importance in history and today again proved its importance in Indian History. This day is famous because it is the birthday of great Socialist thinker Ram Monahar Lohia. This day is also famous because in the colonial period, Bhagat Singh, a leftist freedom fighter, was hung by British rulers along with his two other comrades. Today, this day becomes significant because Kanu Sanyal, one of the premier left-wing terrorist (they say revolutionary) thinkers committed suicide by hanging himself in his home.
Twenty-three-March is a symbolic day as it is commonly associated with events having connections with socialism and other leftist activities. The day 23 March is associated with two other hangings; one was imposed and the other was a suicide. But moreover, it made me think about the reason that made the socialist like Kanu Sanyal follow the path of suicide. As per their concept and consciousness, the leftists always act as most optimistic in their ideology and also in their activities. The socialists or communists or Marxists are not like the French Existentialist writer Albert Camus in that they will think the reason why people are not committing suicide even though they face a meaningless lifestyle in their day-to-day lives.
In the seventies, Kanu Sanyal and Charu Majumdar were the two names who gave a new turn to Indian politics, though never they had entered into any level of Indian government. In fact, they spent most of their years in prison. But they brought the name of a small village ‘Naxalbari’ into the Indian mainstream, which has still been existing as Naxal activities or has been synonymous with Maoist activities. The Naxal movement of seventies only affected Kolkata and few villages of West Bengal or Andhra Pradesh. It had little effect on either Orissa or in Bihar (now known as Jharkhand). Now, Naxal or Maoist activities have spread from Nepal to Maharashtra, including more than seven states of India.
In the seventies, the Naxals announced that power would generate from the barrel rather than from the ballot box. They adopted the violent methods of Bakunin’s or Mao Tse-tung’s anarchist class struggle. Bakunin was buried into ignorance and Mao Tse-tung’s Redbook was exiled from his beloved country of China. Still it remained in South Asia with the goal of establishing a new form of “State,” which after the end of cold war, became itself an insignificant one.
Naxal is now synonymous with terrorism, what in the seventies neither Charu nor Kanu thought any day. In later times, Kanu Sanyal kept himself away from the leftist government and so-called contemporary Maoist activities. And at last, he was found hung in his room in his village near Naxalbari.
Away from the political observer’s guessing and remarks, what made me to think more about the actual cause of Kanu Sanyal’s committing suicide that it is the fate of any faith or belief that lacks the capability to bind any people permanently for a lifetime, even lacking its control over its creator.
Going back to history, in 543 BC, on a full-moon day of May (the month of Baisakha in the Hindu Calendar), on his deathbed, Buddha uttered his last words, “All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting.”
The realisations of Buddha and Albert Camus (in Myth of Sisyphus) and Kanu Sanyal are the same, even though they represent different ways. Are they nihilistic in their approach? As a social thinker, will anyone be an optimistic one? It is a great question, a great crisis and still for me, it seems like an unsolved puzzle. The suicide of Kanu Sanyal makes us think of this crisis of all beliefs and faiths again and again.
It is good Blog about what happened on 23 March., Ram Monahar Lohia. , no doubt was a great leader. There are many freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh who sacrifice their life for the freedom of India, but they were not born on 23 march.
Every ism or school thoughts becomes problem after sometime, as it loose ground reality so in the case of socialism v/s capitalism. Real and precise way to express problems is crushed under the weight of philosophical terminology which is not familiar to ordinary persons.
But if majority people lives in huts and eat ordinary food, deprived of basic necessities and other people lives in luxurious way than consequently, pro Mao rebellion, MaxlBari, will emerge.
In student life, I remember the Mao’s Cultural Revolution; we were very impressed. I remember in those days to be socialist (SURKHA) was a fashion; even big landlords called themselves socialists.mr. Bhutto won the landslide victory on the bases of slogan socialism, and nationalizes every industry, even good school and college, the consequences of which we are still suffering.
In Mao’s Cultural Revolution people also set their old scores, notorious gang of four, Mao’s wife also included among gang of four (CHAR KA TOLA) , they commits heinous crimes under the umbrella of Cultural Revolution, later Mao’s wife commit suicide .
I have also heard the name of Naxalbaries and their activities in India and Nepal, I can assume that people there are suppressed by landlords; consequently they are nihilistic in their approach?
Kanu Sanyal commits suicide, we can assume that every human has a limited power of bearing pressure, less or more but not unlimited, after which he collapse.
Everyone who breathes has to endure brutal facts of life. There is GHALIB’S verse
होचुकीं ग़ालिब बलाएं सब तमाम
एक मरगे नगहानी ऒर हॆ
I think it don’t reflect real life.
जब तक इनसान ज़िनदाह हॆ कोई न कोई बला उसे पकड़ सकती हॆ.
But another verse is very compatible with life.
क़ॆदे हयात व बंन्दे ग़म असल में दोनों एक हॆं
मॊत से पॆहले आदमी ग़म से निजात पाए कियूं
You have not mentioned the great incident took place in Lahore, on 23rd march 1940, when Pakistan resolution was passed.
I don’t expect that you must praise the incident because one of your friends is Pakistani, but it changes everything, or may be the history maker right or wrong; I don’t know what you think about this.
@ Kalimullah, Yes, you are right. Lahore Resolution (Qarardad-e-Lahore قرارداد لاھور),or commonly known as Pakistan Resolution (قرارداد پاکستان Qarardad-e-Pakistan) was passed on 23 March 1940 at the general session of Muslim League, was a significant day in Indian History and if it was not happened there would be a different history and we, the people of this subcontinent would not suffer so much. This is my personal opinion and belief. It is also needless to mention that 23 March 1956, Pakistan became the the first Islamic republic in the world.
Kanu Sanyal ke ullekh ke saath 2 shabdon 'aatankvaadi' aur 'aatmahatya' par etraaj hai. qyon ki aatmahatya ka karan sawasthya hai. aashcharya hai ki hindi media ne bhi is shabda par samyam barata, KANU ki Larhai ke tarike se asahmati hai,uddeshya se nahin. PRANAAM
Kanu Sanyal's departure is an irreparable loss to the human race. In this materialistic and capitalistic world, how can a genuine, reasonable man be optimistic? He is indeed a role model to leftists and humanists.
-- Prof. K. V. Dominic
Yes, in this modern days, a optimistic has got only one door open, to become a pessimist.
But ther is a post-modern way to look at things. We know we don't have a way to freedom, to liberty, but it's our duty to try to free ourselves in every moment and from all sort of oppression, pan-optic regulations and all these things. Yes, the myth of Sisyphus will become very much relevant, we will put the stone on the top of the mountain, and it will fall (may be on us) again and again...
yes, truth is always painful, u cannot simply a human, need something artificial.Hypocrisy triumphs...Oh...
Thanks for adding comments about Pakistan resolution, and expressing your views, majority of Indian and significant numbers of people in Pakistan have same view,
May I, humbly, speak that one must choose the way one must die, at least, there would be always an option.
He was always a dead man walking all his life holding his head up tight in the sky.
He let life play with fire and fire let him play with life...
That's great. Another form of beauty which 'is nothing but the beginning of terror'.
He was no god, he must have been terrified, too.
Yes it 23rd March is significant,it is a question for me also,but kanu sanyal might be depressed dut to health problem that's why he might have committed sucide.
There are sevral psychlogical factors,which lead to a person to beacome agressive or submissive,no body except psychlogical doctors can make out which constant prevailing situation makes a person agressvie for committing crimes or submissive to commit sucide.
yes date 23 rd march is a question for making it significant.
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