After Mumbai attack (26/11), the Booker prize winner , writer turned activist Arundhati Roy wrote an article heading “The monster in the mirror” in the Guardian and after that she has posted the same article in several websites with different headings .
In her article Arundhati writes :
If the men (the ‘boy-terrorists' –in Arundhati’s word) were indeed members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, why didn't it matter to them that a large number of their victims were Muslim, or that their action was likely to result in a severe backlash against the Muslim community in India whose rights they claim to be fighting for?
(What does this paragraph mean? LeT is a responsible orgnisation who cares for Muslims and works for their image in the world? : My comment)
We are against Hindu fundamentalism, but that doesn't mean that we place ourselves with Muslim fundamentalists .For us fundamentalism is worse ideology either it is of Hindu or Muslim or Catholic what ever its religion may be.