Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’
focus on the conceptualizing and world shaping power of language and texts in
order to show in how far the environmental crisis related with modernism must
be regarded as a cultural crisis and in how far literally/textual analysis can
contribute to an understanding of its emergence and to the development of
remedial measures. Later this idea encourages other anthropologists and
eco-feminists to prove how modern civilization stands against gender equality.
I read a resource paper titled ‘Gender Free Subaltern
Society: Myths and Reality’ at a National seminar on Post-colonial Subaltern
Studies and Tribal Literature, arranged by Indira Gandhi Tribal University,
Amarkantak; where I forwarded my observations that how the idea fails to
substantiate the reality. There is no way any relationship of gender free
attitude within the social custom of any tribal community including Bonda
tribes, the most primitive subaltern tribes of India.